J.H. Bennett is proud to announce that we are now an authorized distributor for Hydronic Corporation

Hydronic is a Michigan based manufacturer of air-driven hydraulic pumps. These pumps are most commonly used in intermittent fluid power applications, such as clamping and work-holding. However, there are a wide range of other applications that their pumps can be utilized for. Unlike an electric-driven hydraulic unit, the big advantage of a Hydronic pump is that it wastes no horsepower once it reaches its set pressure. This means no heat generation. The pumps are capable of operating at pressures of up to 52,000 PSI and can displace up to 6 GPM.

Contact J.H. Bennett to learn more!
Hydronic is a part of the The Monnier Companies Group.

The Monnier Companies group of products -
Monnier, Flairline, & Hydronic