Do you have any issues with your current machine design or manufacturing process that is costing you time and money? Are you frustrated with your current suppliers who do not take the time to understand what is important to you and your business?
J.H. Bennett is ready to help. We don’t just sell products like other companies in our industry. Our experienced sales engineers provide solutions. Contact us today to schedule a visit, either in person or via a web conference, to determine how we can help solve your nagging problem.
Check out how the custom designed and built JHB Leak Test Panel saved our customer time and money!
JHB Leak Test Panel

This leak test panel for the Injection Molding industry is a great example of how JH Bennett adds value for our customers. One of our Sales Engineers visited an OEM who was unhappy with their existing end of line leak test solution. It had excess leakage at the valves, did not provide real-time feedback that is so crucial to ensuring accuracy, and was eating up precious in-house resources. JH Bennett engineers used bubble tight valves to design a leak free panel that allows them to accurately control pressure, while providing real-time communication and diagnostics back to the PLC via EtherNet/IP. Every one of the more than 150 panels built annually is tested and validated in our facility prior to shipping to the customer. They simply connect an air line and communication cable, and they are ready to go.